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Latest jokes tagged jobs

3 jokes
Requested in Jobs & Business by a contributor
A riddle is not a joke. When a small child says they have a joke...
3 jokes
Requested in Jobs & Business by a contributor
The auditor tells the taxpayer "I'm afraid we can't let you deduct...
3 jokes
Requested in Adult & Dirty by a contributor
What is 18 inches long and hangs in front of an asshole? The tie...
3 jokes
Requested in Jobs & Business by JustMe
Why did the librarian slip on the library floor? She was in the...
3 jokes
Requested in Adult & Dirty by Argo
What do a farmer and a pimp have in common? Both need a hoe to...
3 jokes
Requested in Jobs & Business by MC Jester
Do the pamphlet. Whip it out. I need it now!
2 jokes
Requested in Jobs & Business by a contributor
Why is it that when a man gets a promotion ahead of a woman it's...
2 jokes
Requested in Jobs & Business by a contributor
Newspaper Headline: Miners Refuse to Work After Death
2 jokes
Requested in Jobs & Business by a contributor
Why did the blonde secretary cut off her finger? She wanted to...
2 jokes
Requested in Jobs & Business by a contributor
A recent study shows there are 12 million Americans who aren't...
2 jokes
Requested in Jobs & Business by Argo
Why did the electrician close early on Mondays? Because business...
2 jokes
Requested in Jobs & Business by Argo
How many journalists does it take to screw in a light...
2 jokes
Requested in Jobs & Business by Jokester
What happens to dead plumbers? They go down the drain!
1 Joke
Requested in Jobs & Business by a contributor
Mailman: Does your dog bite? Boy: No. The dog bites the mailman's...
1 Joke
Requested in Jobs & Business by a contributor
How many auto mechanics does it take to change a light bulb? Six....
1 Joke
Requested in Jobs & Business by MEl1a
The President of a large corporation opened his directors meeting...