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Latest jokes tagged sports

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Requested in Sports & Hobbies by a contributor
Kelly: I have a new job at a bowling alley. George: Tenpin? Kelly:...
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Requested in Sports & Hobbies by a contributor
Did you hear Danica Patrick was arrested for drugs? They found...
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Requested in Sports & Hobbies by Argo
Don't marry a tennis player; love means nothing to them.
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Requested in Sports & Hobbies by JustMe
"My hockey mom can beat up your soccer mom."
3 jokes
Requested in Sports & Hobbies by Argo
How do baseball players stay cool? Sit next to their fans.
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Requested in Sports & Hobbies by NumeroOcho
What's the best way to stop a runaway horse? Bet on it.
3 jokes
Requested in Sports & Hobbies by MC Jester
It's very uncommon for two archers to have the same score --...
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Requested in Sports & Hobbies by MC Jester
Not the kind of contact I had in mind....  
3 jokes
Requested in Sports & Hobbies by MC Jester
What did Dale Earnhardt and Hitler have in common? They both...
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Requested in Sports & Hobbies by a contributor
Why aren't there Mexicans in the Olympics? They all got deported.
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Requested in Sports & Hobbies by a contributor
First I was a Giant fan, then I was a Jet fan... now I'm a small...
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Requested in Sports & Hobbies by a contributor
A woman was cheering her son on in a Little League game. He was...
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Requested in Travel & Places by a contributor
Why did the woman take out a book while sunning at the beach? She...
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Requested in Sports & Hobbies by a contributor
A lion wouldn't cheetah on its mate. But a Tiger Wood.
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Requested in Entertainment & Arts by Argo
What is the official website address of O.J.? Slash, Slash,...
2 jokes
Requested in Sports & Hobbies by Argo
I tried out for the football team and walked on as a freshman....
2 jokes
Requested in Sports & Hobbies by Argo
What stories are told by basketball players? Tall tales
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Requested in Sports & Hobbies by a contributor
What do Dale Jr and global warming have in common?? 10 years...
2 jokes
Requested in Sports & Hobbies by MC Jester
What do Lance Armstrong and Tony Montana have in common? They're...
2 jokes
Requested in Sports & Hobbies by MC Jester
Did you hear the joke about the football game that ended...