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Big Feet jokes

Requested in Health & Beauty by a contributor
edited by MC Jester

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Two sisters came home from school crying.

Mother: What's wrong?
1st Sister: The kids at school are making fun of my big feet!
Mother: Don't worry. Your feet aren't that big. But why are you crying too?
2nd Sister: I was invited to a ski party and I can't find my skis.
Mother: That's alright. You can borrow your sister's shoes.
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A lady went into a bar in Waco and saw a cowboy with his feet propped up on a table.

Lady: You have the biggest boots I've ever seen! Is it true what they say about men with big feet?
Cowboy: Sure is, little lady! Why don't ya come to the bunkhouse and let me prove it to you?
She spent the night with him and handed him a $100 bill the next morning.

Cowboy: Thank ya, m'am. Ain't nobody ever paid me for my services before.
Lady: Don't be flattered. Take the money and buy yourself some boots that fit!!!

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