
Corrupt The Vote

Roadkill T-Shirts
You are a pill babe

Fake Parking Tickets
Being an idiot isn't a crime so you're free to go

Smartass Shirts

Politically Correct jokes

Requested in Society & Nature by Argo
edited by MC Jester

5 Jokes

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Tammy: I'm afraid grandfather is dead.
Jane: Don't call him that! He's just electroencephalographically challenged.
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"Going out again tonight? You're just a regular slut."
"I prefer the term 'Sexually Extroverted.'"
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"Sounds like she is easy."
"I prefer the term 'Horizontally Accessible.'"
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"What an airhead!"
"Don't call her that. She's just reality-impaired."
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"I'm not lazy. I'm physically conservative!"
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