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Divorce jokes


73 Jokes

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What do you call a woman who has everything you ever wanted?
Your ex-wife
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How many divorced women does it take to screw in a light bulb?
Four. One to screw in the bulb and three to form a support group.
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"I ran into my ex the other day... Then I put the car into reverse and did it again!"
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"I divorced my husband over religious differences. He thought he was God and I didn't."
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If you got married when you fell in love does divorce mean you've now climbed out of it?
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How many divorced men does it take to screw in a light bulb?
Who knows?! They never get the house.
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90% of men kiss their wife goodbye when they leave the house. The rest kiss their house goodbye when they leave the wife!
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"My friend is engaged in a custody battle. His wife doesn't want him and his mother won't take him back."
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"I still miss my ex. But my aim is getting better."
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Husband: I'm leaving you for another woman.
Wife: What has she got that I don’t have?
Husband: Would you like that alphabetically or in order of importance?
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A man and his wife divorced over religious differences. She worshipped money and he didn't have a penny!
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Mary: Why did you split up with your husband?
Joan: I finally faced the fact that we're incompatible. I'm a Virgo and he's an asshole!
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Hell hath no fury like the lawyer of a woman scorned.
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