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Ghost jokes


14 Jokes

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Where do ghosts go out?
Where they can get sheet-faced!
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What streets are ghosts always driving down?
Dead ends
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What do you get if you squeeze a sick ghost?
A hand full of sheet!
Shared by a contributor
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How do ghosts begin writing letters?
"Tomb it may concern"
Shared by JustMe
edited by MC Jester
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Why did the girl ghost go on a diet?
To keep her ghoulish figure.
Shared by a contributor
edited by MC Jester
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When do ghosts do their shopping?
When there's a white sale.
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What happened when a ghost ordered a whiskey at the local bar?
The bartender told him "Sorry but we don't serve spirits here!"
Shared by a contributor
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What did the cheerleader say to the ghost?
"Show your spirit!"
Shared by a contributor
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What happens when a ghost haunts a theater?
The actors get stage fright.
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Why are ghosts such bad liars?
You can see right through them.
Shared by a contributor
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When did the ghost have to stop scaring people?
He lost his haunting license.
Shared by a contributor
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What does a ghost not need in his house?
A living room
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What did the ghost teacher say to the class?
Look at the board and I will go through it again!
Shared by a contributor
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If you don't pay your exorcist do you get repossessed?

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