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Latest jokes tagged clean

14 jokes
Requested in Childrens & Clean by a contributor
Some cause happiness wherever they go. You make it whenever you go.
14 jokes
Requested in Childrens & Clean by Jokester
What do you call two physicians? Paradox
14 jokes
Requested in Childrens & Clean by MC Jester
Do jellyfish get gas from eating jellybeans?
13 jokes
Requested in Childrens & Clean by a contributor
I pretend to work here and they pretend to pay me.
13 jokes
Requested in Childrens & Clean by Argo
Why do Mexicans have small steering wheels? So they can drive with...
12 jokes
Requested in Childrens & Clean by a contributor
Husband: What would you like for your 40th birthday? A diamond...
12 jokes
Requested in Misc. Themes by MC Jester
A man entered a pun contest in the local newspaper. He sent in ten...
10 jokes
Requested in Childrens & Clean by Jokester
How does an LA cop catch fish? He catches one and beats it until...
10 jokes
Requested in Childrens & Clean by a contributor
Yo mama so fat she sat on a penny and a booger came out of...
9 jokes
Requested in Society & Nature by a contributor
Q: Did you hear about what happened to the mohel who had cataracts...
8 jokes
Requested in Childrens & Clean by JustMe
Why do women wear makeup and perfume? Because they're ugly and...
8 jokes
Requested in Childrens & Clean by a contributor
What kind of ships do vampires have? Blood vessels
8 jokes
Requested in Childrens & Clean by Argo
What is an elephant's favorite sport? Squash
7 jokes
Requested in Childrens & Clean by JustMe
Why did the bird go to the doctor? He needed tweetment.
7 jokes
Requested in Childrens & Clean by a contributor
Why is the letter 'G' so scary? It turns a host into a ghost.
7 jokes
Requested in Childrens & Clean by Argo
T-Shirt: Sometimes I wake up grumpy. Other times I let him sleep!
7 jokes
Requested in Childrens & Clean by MC Jester
"Time's fun when you're having flies." - Kermit the Frog
7 jokes
Requested in Childrens & Clean by MC Jester
Half of American shoppers buy gift cards at Christmas. The other...
6 jokes
Requested in Childrens & Clean by Jokester
What does a math teacher eat? Square meals
6 jokes
Requested in Childrens & Clean by a contributor
What do you call an old dentist? A bit long in the tooth...